The Role of Forms and Kata in Martial Arts Training

Listen up, martial arts family. Today, we’re talking about something that’s often misunderstood – forms and kata. Now, I know some of you out there think forms are just fancy dances. But let me tell you, there’s a lot more to it than that.  Forms, or kata, are the heart of many martial arts styles. […]

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The Timeless Relevance of Kata in Martial Arts: Embracing Tradition in 2024 and Beyond

In the realm of martial arts, Kata, or forms, stands as a pre-arranged set of martial movements. While Kata is prevalent in karate, it has faced criticism in recent years. However, the enduring relevance and multifaceted benefits of Kata deserve in-depth exploration. Kata serves various purposes, including cardio, coordination, conditioning, and muscle memory development. Its […]

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Unlock Your Potential: Embracing a Transformative Journey with Martial Arts at Any Age

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, pondering the impact of your choices on your overall well-being? Recently, a chance encounter with a long-time friend from my martial arts training days prompted me to reflect on the influence of our decisions on our health and lifestyle. Despite being a kind-hearted and hardworking individual, the […]

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The Significance of “OSS” in Japanese Karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

In the vast world of martial arts, certain words transcend cultural boundaries and find a home in various disciplines. One such term is “OSS,” a word steeped in tradition and respect. While its roots lie in Japanese Karate, the term has gained notable prominence in the realm of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In this blog post, […]

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Fall 7 Rise 8

The principle fall seven times, rise eight is a concept rooted in resilience and perseverance, emphasizing the ability to overcome challenges

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Revamp Your Life in the New Year: Transformative Changes for a Healthier You!

As the New Year rolls in, many of us are keen on reshaping our lives, aiming for improved fitness, better appearance, and overall well-being. At the Old School Karate Academy and Brazilian Martial Arts Center of Peabody, we believe in fostering holistic transformations that go beyond mere resolutions. Here are the top three transformative steps to change the way you look and feel in the New Year:

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Holiday Party  Dec 19th Dojo Holiday Party 6:30PM(Yankee Swap everyone brings a generic gift under $10)

Unwrapping Joy: A Martial Arts Holiday Tradition – The Yankee Swap for Kids at Our Dojo

The holiday season is a time for spreading cheer, building camaraderie, and creating lasting memories.@ Old School Karate Academy & Brazilian Martial arts Center, we believe in fostering a sense of community and celebrating the festive spirit among our martial arts family. This year, we’re introducing a unique twist to our holiday party with a Yankee Swap exclusively for the little warriors in our dojo.

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The rich history of Kosho Ryu Kempo Karate

The rich history of Kosho Ryu Kempo Karate

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Staying on Track with Martial Arts Training During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and often, a break from routine. For martial artists, this break can lead to missed classes, leaving practitioners feeling like they’ve fallen behind. The truth is, it’s common to feel this way, but it’s essential not to let it derail your progress. Let’s address the concerns […]

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7 Compelling Reasons Why Martial Artists Should Practice the Horse Stance Daily

🥋🌟 Calling All Martial Artists: Unlock the Power of Daily Horse Stance Practice! 🌟🥋 Discover the secret behind mastering the horse stance – a cornerstone of martial arts that extends far beyond its apparent simplicity. Here are seven compelling reasons why integrating this daily practice into your routine can transform your martial arts journey: 1. […]

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In Kosho Shorei Ryu, we draw wisdom from The Art of War with these principles:

1. Insight into the Opponent: In order to prevail, one must intimately grasp their adversary’s strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and strategies. 2. Meticulous Strategy: Prior to any engagement, meticulous planning is imperative, encompassing clear objectives and well-thought-out strategies. 3. Adaptive Approach: Flexibility is key, as situations often deviate from the plan. One must be ready to […]

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Unleashing the Martial Mind: Applying Napoleon Hill’s Principles to Martial Arts Training and Competition

Napoleon Hill’s timeless classic, “Think and Grow Rich,” has long been considered a blueprint for achieving success in various aspects of life, from business to personal development. Surprisingly, its principles are equally applicable to martial arts training and competition. Legendary martial artists like Bruce Lee and Mike Stone, who attended Napoleon Hill’s seminars in the 1960s, understood the value of merging mental acumen with physical prowess. In this article, we will explore how Hill’s principles can be translated into the world of martial arts.

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The Power of Positive Visualization in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: A Winning Mindset

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is not just a physical sport; it’s a mental battle as well. The ability to strategize, stay focused, and maintain confidence can often make the difference between victory and defeat on the mats. One powerful tool that BJJ competitors can harness to enhance their mental game is positive visualization. In this article, we will explore the significance of positive visualization for BJJ competitors and how it can contribute to their success.

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“The Tough Path of Martial Arts: Why Quitting Is Never the Answer”

Embarking on a martial arts journey is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a path fraught with challenges, sweat, and sometimes even tears. It’s a journey that tests your physical and mental limits. But here’s the truth: when you feel like quitting is the only option, that’s precisely when you should keep going. In this article, […]

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Discovering the Heart of Martial Arts: The Principles of Old School Karate Academy

Introduction Martial arts, in its various forms, has long been a source of inspiration and discipline for countless individuals around the world. While mastering the physical aspects of martial arts is undoubtedly important, it is equally essential to understand and embrace the core principles that underlie these ancient practices. At the Old School Karate Academy, […]

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Unlock Your Potential: 10 Convincing Ways Martial Arts Can Transform Your Life

Unlock Your Potential: 10 Convincing Ways Martial Arts Can Transform Your Life

Martial arts signify an ongoing journey of self-improvement. Your learning never ceases, whether refining techniques or delving deeper into the philosophical aspects of your chosen discipline. This love for continuous learning extends to all facets of life

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In the world of martial arts, the importance of precise mechanical movements cannot be overstated. The effectiveness of your techniques depends on your ability to execute them accurately, regardless of the amount of physical strength you possess. However, it's essential to maintain a sense of realism, especially when you face the rigorous challenges of pressure testing, such as sparring and competitive bouts.

Mastering the Martial Arts: Balancing Precision and Realism in Training and Combat

In the world of martial arts, the importance of precise mechanical movements cannot be overstated. The effectiveness of your techniques depends on your ability to execute them accurately, regardless of the amount of physical strength you possess. However, it’s essential to maintain a sense of realism, especially when you face the rigorous challenges of pressure […]

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Unlocking Health and Vitality with the OSKA Diet

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can be challenging. However, the OSKA Diet offers a structured approach that promotes overall well-being and supports your fitness goals. Named after its creator, the OSKA Diet is designed to help you shed those extra pounds, increase your energy levels, and enhance your overall health. […]

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“The Power of Connection: Mastering Jiu-Jitsu through Hand and Wrist Control”

Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that thrives on the principle of connection. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, understanding the crucial role of hands and feet in this discipline is fundamental to your success on the mat. In Jiu-Jitsu, it’s all about controlling your opponent’s movements, and it all starts with the […]

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The Significance of Stance, Posture, and Position in Determining Victory

In the dynamic world of combat, where split-second decisions can determine success or defeat, mastering the art of positioning

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In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, one of the most underrated and underutilized assets is your legs.

In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, one of the most underrated and underutilized assets is your legs.  While disciplines like Tae Kwon Do are known for their kicks, and BJJ is often associated with chokes and arm-bars, the potential of your legs in BJJ is immense and should not be underestimated. Your Legs: A Crucial […]

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Understanding Bullying: Types, Effects, and Strategies to Stop It

Understanding Bullying: Types, Effects, and Strategies to Stop It Bullying Defined: Bullying stems from an imbalance of power, with the aggressor deriving satisfaction from causing emotional or physical pain to the victim. It is characterized by repeated negative behavior over time. The Four Types of Bullying Verbal Bullying: This occurs when someone uses hurtful words […]

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Harnessing the Power of Posture & Position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Triumphing Over Raw Strength

In the dynamic world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the playing field isn’t always about sheer brute force. It’s about understanding the nuances of posture and position – a strategic dance that can enable the seemingly weaker to overcome the mightiest. Let’s delve into the intricacies that make posture and position pivotal in this martial art. The […]

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Top 10 Similarities Between Karate in Cobra Kai and Sei Kosho Shorei Kai

The hit TV series “Cobra Kai” offers a dramatic glimpse into the world of karate, and while it’s entertaining fiction, there are intriguing parallels to the real martial art style of Sei Kosho Shorei Kai. Let’s delve into the top 10 similarities between the karate in “Cobra Kai” and Sei Kosho Shorei Kai: 1. Traditional […]

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Recovery Tips for Mature Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Practitioners

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a physically demanding martial art that requires strength, flexibility, and endurance. For older practitioners, maintaining peak performance while avoiding injury becomes crucial. With the right approach to recovery, older martial artists can continue to excel in BJJ and enjoy their training for years to come. In this article, we’ll explore some […]

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Unite and Strengthen Your Family Bonds Through Martial Arts

Are you on the lookout for a remarkable way to enhance family togetherness, while simultaneously embarking on an exciting journey of skill development, confidence building, and physical fitness? Look no further! At the Old School Karate Academy and Brazilian Martial Arts Center of Peabody, we’ve created an exceptional offering that brings families closer, fosters growth, and delivers an abundance of fun – our Family Martial Arts Classes.

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Sho Chiku Bai (Pine, Bamboo, Plum) BREAKDOWN

Sho Chiku Bai (Pine, Bamboo, Plum)

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The Arts of Kosho Ryu Kempo

Preparatory Arts, Escaping arts, Manipulatory arts, Striking arts & Throwing arts A Comprehensive Guide to Martial Mastery Kosho Ryu Kempo is a dynamic and holistic martial art that combines various techniques and philosophies from both Eastern and Western traditions. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Japan and enhanced with modern innovations, this martial art emphasizes […]

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Unveiling the Mastery of Octagons and Triangles in Kosho Ryu Kempo

Introduction: Kosho Ryu Kempo, an ancient and dynamic martial art with roots deeply intertwined in traditional Japanese combat systems, incorporates a fascinating combination of octagons and triangles. These geometric concepts hold multifaceted significance, serving as both a philosophical representation and practical martial reference points. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of octagons […]

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Understanding The Sho Chiku Bai Mon, also known as the Pine, Bamboo, Plum Crest, or the Crest of Kosho Ryu Kempo

The Sho Chiku Bai Mon, also known as the Pine, Bamboo, Plum Crest, or the Crest of Kosho Ryu Kempo introduced to Americans by James Mitose in the 1940’s in Hawaii, serves as the fundamental foundation of study for all Kosho Ryu practitioners and traditional martial artists alike. This crest is deeply rooted in history, […]

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The Intricate Brilliance of Kosho Ryu Kempo: When the Finest Technique Resembles a Mistake

Introduction: In the ancient art of Kosho Ryu Kempo, there exists a unique and profound philosophy surrounding the execution of techniques. Often, the best technique appears to be a mistake to the untrained eye. In this article, we delve into the wisdom behind this principle, exploring the intricate brilliance that lies within Kosho Ryu Kempo’s […]

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The Soaring Rise of Women in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Empowerment through Martial Arts Fitness

Introduction: In recent years, the realm of martial arts fitness has witnessed a remarkable surge in women participating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). This powerful and dynamic combat sport, once predominantly male-dominated, has now become a vibrant arena for women seeking physical fitness, self-defense skills, and personal empowerment. In this article, we explore the growing trend […]

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How Slowing Down Your Breathing Can Enhance Your BJJ Rolling Performance

Introduction Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that requires a combination of physical strength, technical skill, and mental focus. One often overlooked aspect of BJJ training is the importance of controlling your breath. Effective breathing techniques not only enhance your overall well-being but also play a significant role in improving your rolling performance on […]

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Martial Arts does not make your kids violent

Martial arts does not promote violence – The Transformative Power of Martial Arts for Children, A Sensei Perspective:  As a seasoned martial arts expert, I have witnessed firsthand the profound benefits that martial arts training offers to children. While there is an abundance of scientific and psychological research supporting these claims, it is important to […]

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The Essence of OSS (Osu) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: An Expression of Martial Arts Spirit

The Essence of OSS (Osu) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: An Expression of Martial Arts Spirit

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Summer is the best time to start Martial Arts

Unlock the Power of Summer: Embrace Martial Arts Now! Discover the perfect time to embark on your martial arts journey: the glorious summer season! Allow me to persuade you with several compelling reasons why starting martial arts during this time of year will elevate your experience and propel you towards success. Firstly, summer brings with […]

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Consistency & Persistence are paramount in achieving results in martial arts training.

Consistency & Persistence are paramount in achieving results in martial arts training.

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Self Defense Guide

While a guide can provide some general information about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) &  self-defense, it’s important to note that learning martial arts techniques and self-defense strategies should ideally be done under the guidance of a qualified Sensei. The Sensei’s @ Brazilian Martial Arts Center of Peabody can provide personalized training, ensure proper technique, and […]

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Why Study Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

There are several reasons why studying Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) can be beneficial. Here are some of the main reasons:Self-defense: BJJ is known for its effectiveness in real-life self-defense situations. It focuses on techniques that allow a smaller, weaker individual to overcome a larger and stronger opponent by using leverage, joint locks, and submission holds. Learning […]

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 Why you should consider adding private lessons to your existing martial arts training 

Adding private lessons to your martial arts training can offer numerous benefits. In group classes, you must follow the curriculum set for the whole group. But in private lessons, you can focus on specific areas you want to improve on and progress at your own pace. With personalized instruction from your instructor, you can receive […]

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Most important moves for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue belts 

As a Blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you’ve already gained some fundamental skills and are progressing towards a more advanced level. Here are some important moves to focus on as a Blue belt: Remember that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a journey, and progress takes time and consistent practice. Focus on mastering the fundamentals and expanding your […]

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The key to mastering Kosho is finding balance.

While some may view Kosho as complex, I teach my students to prioritize achieving balance over their opponent. This may seem contradictory, as the body naturally seeks balance, but it is through understanding natural laws and applying concepts and principles that one can achieve superior balance while attacking their opponent’s balance. The octagon, which forms […]

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As a white belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), it’s important to focus on building a strong foundation of fundamental techniques. Here are some common moves that are often taught to white belts in BJJ: Closed Guard: The closed guard is a fundamental position where you control your opponent from the bottom by wrapping your legs […]

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Are you tired of watching your kid play video games, watch YouTube videos & TikTok videos all while getting no exercise

10 step guide on how to successfully get your child off the couch and into the dojo – As a parent, you may feel frustrated or concerned about your child’s lack of physical activity due to excessive screen time. The 10-step guide you provided offers some practical suggestions to help encourage your child to get […]

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Should martial artist that study karate also study ground fighting arts like Brazilian jiu-jitsu ?

I hear all kinds of opinions like I will just poke them in the , bite them, I don’t want to wrestle sweaty men  Of course then there is the bad back bad hip bad knee bad joints I’m too old I can man argument when in fact jujitsu is considered the gentler and having […]

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A true teacher should be the best student 

It is important for a martial arts teacher to continue to train & grow as people & martial artists. Even though I have trained in the martial arts since 1977 and hold black belts in 5 styles every week, I take a private  1 hour lesson with the grand master ( Hanshi Bruce ) as well […]

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Seminar based Learning in the Martial Arts 

In Kosho RYU Kempo -Jiu Jitsu  seminar learning is an important way to facilitate growth for both students and teachers either by leaving your home Dojo (school) and traveling to train elsewhere  or by bringing in an outside teacher & students from other Dojo this gives you cross pollination of ideas, concepts & principal’s. In […]

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In Martial arts training it’s all about time 

 If you attended college one class a week for four years you would not get a bachelors degree you need to take five classes per semester for four years and pass them all. The same general concept applies to martial arts training. Many times I’ll have students ask me why is the other student getting […]

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Train through The Pain

For my friends in there Mid 30’s and beyond who are starting to have little aches and pains, who say when my back gets better I’ll go back to working out. I am sorry to tell you it doesn’t work that way once you hit your mid 30’s the body starts breaking down lack of […]

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Which Martial Arts does CIA use ?

The CIA has a big government budget for training agents and after a 27 Year Study conducted by CIA research and development program they found the Kenpo Karate was the best answer for the all the dangers an agent will face. Agents trained in Kempo Karate are able to improvise and adapt principles and concepts […]

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How to deal with adrenaline in a self defense situation

When you are in a life or death situation, such as getting physically attacked, your adrenaline starts pumping through your viens, it’s is a  flight or fight response.  This response has many great qualities that will help keep you alive including increase your strength, power, speed, and you don’t feel pain at that moment .  […]

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Knowing how to fall might sound simple but it could save your life.

Stories like this one where someone hits their head on a curb or asphalt and dies are all two common. According to the CDC “About 166 Americans died from TBI-related injury each day in 2019. There were more than 223,000TBI-related hospitalizations in 2018 In 2019, about 15% of all U.S. high-school students self-reported one or […]

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don't let the bullies win

Bullies don’t just stop in the school yard. Life is full of challenges to overcome!

Empowering Lives Beyond the Schoolyard: A Call to Self-Defense through Martial Arts. Greetings, everyone! I’m Sensei Bill, and I’m honored to represent the Old School Karate Academy & Brazilian Martial Arts Center located in Peabody, MA, right off Route 1 southbound. Today, let’s dive into a topic that holds immense relevance in our lives – […]

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Sparing should be realistic as possible while still being safe, if you go to a school where there is no contact fighting or the students only fight the Sensei not each other you may be taking a fitness class that does karate moves at some point techniques need to be pressure tested in a control […]

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Pressure Testing and Ferocity of Training

At OSKA all Techniques concepts and principles get pressure tested so the student has confidence in their abilities. If a karate student just does techniques in the air and does not drill them with a live student ever much is lost. Each technique can be learn air guitar style at 1st but then it must […]

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For 2022 I wish every parent would give their child the gift of consistency

Imagine if you went to kindergarten for 1 or 2 months and then totally quit school, you wouldn’t read, write or do math very well that’s just about the same when you take 1 to 3 months of karate lessons We live in an Amazon, fast food world where our attention is more fragmented now […]

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Testing vs promotions in the martial arts

Many school have easy classes and hard testing the only time they push the students is the week before the test while this method works for some at Old School Karate Academy we believe every day is your test. So there are no big scary test causing test anxiety. That being said the path at […]

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Why do so many black belts from different styles seek out Kosho RYU Kempo Karate Jiu jitsu.

  The allure that beckons numerous black belts hailing from a myriad of martial arts traditions to explore the realms of Kosho Ryu Kempo Karate Jiu Jitsu is a phenomenon worth delving into. According to the insightful words of Headmaster Hanshi Bruce Junick, Kosho Ryu is far from being a mere style or rigid system. […]

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